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Divergence & Convergence Exhibition「薈萃。豐盛 當代畫展」

Exhibition from 3-9 October 2024

Level 4, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre,

10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui


尖沙咀 梳士巴利道十號香港文化中心 行政大樓 四樓



The convergence of this multi national artists from different cultural backgrounds in this exhibition show their collective love for artistic expressions, and passion for visual conversations. These multi-talented individuals aim to bring to view their works as a mirror of their everyday life - their interests, painting techniques, advocacies, and their own distinct style.

They showcase a divergence of themes about people, love, nature, urban life, pain, suffering, complex emotions of women, social divide, and other subjects. They try to highlight their art in various mediums like oil, acrylic, modern Chinese ink, and mixed media. The group hopes that the meanings, and sentiments in their visual diaries can embrace the challenges in today's of fast-paced technology and modern society.

這次展覽匯聚了不同國籍和文化背景的藝術家,展示了他們對藝術表達的熱情和視覺對話的共同熱愛。八位多才多藝的藝術家旨在透過作品反映日常生活 、興趣、繪畫技巧、喜好以及各自鮮明的個人風格。

他們的作品展示了關於人物、愛、大自然、城市生活、女性複雜情感、社會多樣化以及其他主題。透過油畫、塑膠彩、現代水墨和混合媒介等展現。 在這科技高速發展的現代社會生活下,這些作品能給予觀賞者思考共鳴和安慰。


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